Certified Cyber Security Expert™

This Expert program is specially designed to help individuals to understand the in-depth concept of cyber security, cyber-attacks, and industry best practices. Additionally, this certification is designed for learners interested in developing their careers in the area of cyber security.

This training program will teach you all about the internet, web server, cryptography, OSI model, data privacy, and security. This course introduces the topics of cyberspace, cyber threats, cyber-attacks, the concept of the dark web, darknet, social engineering, vulnerability, bugs, viruses, and trojans. Successful completion of this certification will enable you to comprehend the cyber security domain, giving you a significant advantage in various job opportunities.

  • Know what it means to be an expert in the cyber security domain

  • Explore different types of malware threats

  • Learn what hacking is and the types of hackers, the Evolution of the Internet.

  • Understand how to keep protected from threats and how to report a cybercrime


Module 0: Overview - Introduction 

  • Cybersecurity types & technologies

  • Cybersecurity Industry Concepts for Beginners

Module 1: Web Pages and Its Technologies

  • How do websites work?


  • OSI Model

  • Web Server Hacking

Module 2: Malware Threats

  • Malware threat

  • Type of malware

Module 3: What is Hacking and Types of Hackers

  • Types of hackers - black, grey, white

  • Red, blue, purple team

  • System Hacking

  • Protecting Mobile Data/ Protect your device camera

  • Have I been pawned? (Live hacking stats)

Module 4: Evolution of the Internet

  • Deep web vs. dark web

  • Cryptography

  • Types of Networks

  • Phishing and how to protect yourself

  • Online game and cybersecurity/Internet safety for kids

Module 5: Industry Best Standards and Practices


  • Anti-virus, Anti-malware, IPS/IDS

Module 6: How to keep yourself protected?

  • How to keep a secure password?

  • How to keep your crypto wallet secure?

  • Social Engineering

  • Protect your digital privacy

  • VPN

  • Metadata collection and how to protect yourself

  • Credit Card protection for online transactions

  • ATM Hacking and how to protect yourself?

  • Front-End of dApp

  • Issue Rewards and wrap up the project 

Module 7: Report a cybercrime

  • Collecting acceptable evidence to the court

  • Reasons to report Cybercrime.


  • Grasp an in-depth understanding of the cyber security domain

  • Explore what it takes to be a cyber security expert 

  • Have an overview of different types of malware threats

  • Build knowledge about cyber security, web pages, and technologies


  • Global Tech Council Certification

  • Lifetime access to the course content

  • 24*7 Support for all your queries


The practice of securing systems, networks, and programs from digital threats is known as cybersecurity. The cyberattacks are typically aimed at gaining access to, altering, or destroying sensitive data, extorting money from users, or disrupting normal corporate activities. 

Because there are more devices than humans nowadays, and attackers are growing more inventive, effective cybersecurity measures are harsh. With this cyber security certification, you can gather much knowledge and understanding of the vast world of cyber security and get equipped with the necessary skill-set that will benefit you in your career opportunities.

What does a Cyber Security Expert do?

A Certified Cyber Security Expert is a skilled professional who has comprehensive knowledge about the vast domain of cyber security. Being a cyber security expert means that you understand the concepts of cyber security, different types of cyber security, the realm of hacking, and many things that give you a skill set required for a successful career in the world of cyber security.

The Growth Curve ahead

After you successfully complete the certification, you can have various opportunities for your professional growth. You can be:

  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

  • Chief Security Officer (CSO)

  • Cybersecurity Executive

  • Security Director

  • Information Security Analyst

  • Cyber Security Analyst

  • SOC Analyst

  • Data Security Analyst

  • Compliance and Risk Manager

  • Security Architect

  • Cybersecurity Manager

  • Network Security Engineer

What are the domains where cyber security experts work?

  • Network security

  • Application security

  • Cloud security

  • Operational security

  • Critical Infrastructure Security

Final Outcome

After completing this certification, you will master the core concepts of cyber security and a greater understanding of different types of cyberattacks and malware threats.